Auto Glass Services
Windshield Repair
Auto Glass Services in Mississauga, Brampton, oakville and Etobicoke, Dixie Auto Glass, we try to repair your existing windshield before replacing it with a new one. Whether you have a small stone chip that needs to be repaired quickly we’ll make sure it’s done properly. Our trained technicians will ensure that your windshield can act as the key safety component it was designed to be.
Windshield Replacement
Modern windshields are mostly repairable. If a crack is left and is not fixed, it can cause more severe damage and glass condition can get worse.
Auto Glass Repairs
The windshield repair process is designed to prevent the spread of damage from the initial point of impact. Dixie Auto Glass guarantees the visual appearance of every windshield repair and is committed to your 100% satisfaction. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the result of the repair process,
Sunroof Repair / Replacement
Dixie Auto Glass has on-site specialists who are experts in sunroof repair and sunroof replacement. We have repaired hundreds of sunroofs and this has given us the ability to service our current customers much better than our competitors.
Mobile Auto Glass Repair / Replacement
When you contact us about your broken auto glass or cracked windshield a friendly customer service representative will step you through a process to have your car restored to factory specifications or better.
Insurance Claims / Car Vandalism Claims
We at Dixie Auto Glass are certified in vehicle insurance inspection and vandalism. Over the years we have dealt with hundreds of insurance claims and have mastered it’s art. Before you make a claim, call us. We will advise you on the merit of contacting your insurance company and further assist you by directly dealing with them.